AKIPRESS.COM - President Serdar Berdimuhamedov took part in the ceremony of laying the foundation of a new road bridge across the Garabogaz Kel Bay along the Turkmenbashi–Garabogaz–Kazakhstan border highway, the state news agency reported.
"Taking into account the increased demands of modernity, we considered that it would be expedient to begin construction of a new automobile bridge across the Garabogaz Kel Bay. The resolution of June 16 of this year provided for the preparation of design and estimate documentation and the construction of a road bridge with a total length of 354 meters and a width of 21 meters. The bridge will be built on the highway going from Turkmenbashi through the Garabogaz Kel Bay to the border of Kazakhstan," the President noted.
In accordance with the contract concluded with the State Agency for Road Construction Management, a modern road bridge across the Garabogaz Kel Bay and roads leading to it will be built along the Turkmenbashi–Garabogaz–Kazakhstan border highway in two years. The total length of the bridge with two-way two-lane traffic will be 354 meters, width – 21 meters.
The bridge will also become part of the planned reconstruction of the Turkmenbashi–Garabogaz–Kazakhstan state highway.
This project, aimed at realizing the existing impressive transport and transit potential of Turkmenistan and expanding mutually beneficial international trade and economic cooperation in the interests of well-being and sustainable development of the region and the whole world, will directly facilitate improving the standard of living of the population.