AKIPRESS.COM - Kyrgyzstan improved its ranking in the National Cyber Security Index (NCSI).
Kyrgyzstan ranks 91st with 37.66 scores. The country climbed from the 112th position in late 2022 and early 2023.
Among Central Asian states Kyrgyzstan has good rankings in the following indicators:Cybersecurity policy development (1st place in Central Asia),
Crisis management in cybersecurity (1st place in Central Asia)
E-identification and trust services (2nd place after Kazakhstan)
Education and professional training (2nd place in Central Asia after Kazakhstan)
Protection of digital services (on one level with Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan)
Protection of personal data (on one level with Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan)
Kazakhstan ranks 78th in NCSI, Uzbekistan ranks 94th, Tajikistan 153 rd, Turkmenistan 164th.