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Mongolia|education|October 18, 2023 / 11:14 AM
Rankings of universities in Mongolia announced for first time

AKIPRESS.COM - The rankings of higher education institutions in Mongolia have been announced for the first time. Currently, there are 61 independent universities operating in the country, GoGoMongolia reports.

Minister of Education and Science L. Enkh-Amgalan asked for support from Times Higher Education in defining the domestic ranking of universities while participating in World Education Ministers' Conference in London in May.

61 universities were ranked based on the quality of education, whether they conduct research, the learning environment of students, and the percentage of graduates in the workplace. A total of 272 indicators were measured.

The top 10 universities are National University of Mongolia, Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences, University of Science and Technology, University of Education, University of Agriculture, German-Mongolian Institute of Resource and Technology, University of Finance and Economics, Otgontenger University, Monos Clinical University, and Mongolian State University of Arts and Culture.

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