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World|environment|January 3, 2024 / 11:43 AM
Magnitude 5.5 earthquake hits Japan's Noto Region of Ishikawa Prefecture

AKIPRESS.COM - An earthquake with estimated magnitude of 5.5 occurred in the Noto area of Ishikawa Prefecture at around 10:54 p.m. Wednesday, the Japan Meteorological Agency said.

No tsunami is expected, according to the agency. The epicenter was in the Noto area and the focus was about 10 kilometers deep, The Japan Times reported.

The quake measured upper 5 on the Japanese seismic intensity scale in Wajima, while it measured 4 on the scale in Nanao, Nakanoto, Anamizu and Noto.

A magnitude 7.6 earthquake occurred in Japan on January 1. After that, tremors were recorded more than 150 times. A tsunami threat was declared for the entire western coast of the country, which lasted for 24 hours. The death toll reaches 62, more than 100 were injured, 17 of them were hospitalized in serious condition.

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