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Uzbekistan|business|January 21, 2024 / 01:16 PM
Singaporean Wilmar International to build a $100 million plant near Tashkent

AKIPRESS.COM - The Singaporean company Wilmar International Limited plans to build a plant for $100 million in the Tashkent region, Kun.uz reported.

At the future enterprise it is planned to produce flour products, vegetable oils and feed with a high protein content. The feasibility study of the plant construction project will be completed in the first half of this year.

Wilmar will also create a distribution hub to export products to the markets of Central Asia, the Middle East and other countries.

The project will be implemented on an area of 30 hectares in the village of Surum, located next to the railway and the Tashkent ring road. In the future, the enterprise may be expanded.

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