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Mongolia|sport|January 23, 2024 / 11:00 AM
Mongolian boxers win 8 medals in Bocskai Memorial Tournament

AKIPRESS.COM - The 68th edition of the Bocskai Memorial Tournament, organized by the Hungarian Boxing Association, concluded in Debrecen. About 170 athletes from 12 countries competed in the tournament dedicated to the memory of Bocskai, Montsame reports.

Mongolian boxers won eight medals in the tournament. O. Yesugen and M. Namuun won gold medals. M. Namuun not only emerged as a gold medalist but also claimed the overall tournament victory and the coveted trophy. Additionally, L. Altantsetseg and G. Badmaarag earned silver, while B. Misheelt, T. Bolortuul, B. Battulga, and G. Gan-Erdene secured bronze medals.

Subsequently, Mongolian athletes proceeded to Sofia, Bulgaria for the next phase of training and competition.

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