AKIPRESS.COM - Kyrgyzstan is interested in sharing experience with Belarus in antimonopoly regulation, Gulshat Asylbaeva, Chairperson of the Antimonopoly Regulation Service under the Ministry of Economy and Commerce of Kyrgyzstan told BelTA.
In 2019, a memorandum of cooperation was signed between the Ministry of Antimonopoly Regulation and Trade (MART) of Belarus and the Antimonopoly Regulation Service under the Ministry of Economy and Commerce of Kyrgyzstan. The document outlines the main areas of interaction: antimonopoly regulation, trade, consumer protection and others. The memorandum envisages working meetings, videoconferences, and exchange of experience between Belarus and Kyrgyzstan. The focus is placed on the practice and application of competition law, since the countries apply different mechanisms.
“Today we are set to discuss antimonopoly legislation, the procedure for reviewing antimonopoly cases, the practice of preventing, restricting and suppressing monopolistic activities. We are also interested in the pricing policy and reference pricing, control over compliance with the legislation in pricing, social welfare sector, including regulation of prices for medicines and regulation of public procurement. In general, the agenda is quite packed,” Gulshat Asylbaeva said.
Kyrgyzstan also shows interest in the experience of regulating prices for socially important goods. “You have this practice at a good level. In Belarus, there is a close dialogue between MART, consumers and retail chains,” she said. “It is important that Belarus and Kyrgyzstan have almost similar policies in pricing and control to detect monopolistic actions. I think that we will interact with your country even more.”