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Uzbekistan|economy|March 28, 2024 / 10:00 AM
France and South Korea may take part in NPP project in Uzbekistan - Rosatom

AKIPRESS.COM - The project to build a nuclear power plant in Uzbekistan will be international, different countries will be able to take part in it, Rosatom Director for Development and International Business Kirill Komarov said, RIA Novosti reported.

Negotiations between Uzbekistan and Russia on a contract for the construction of a nuclear power plant are going “quite successfully”, Kirill Komarov noted at a briefing on the sidelines of ATOMEXPO 2024 Forum in Sochi. It is planned that Rosatom will be the general contractor in this project.

“Some time was spent selecting a unique set of project partners. This will not only be a Russian project. This will be a project in which engineers and companies from around the world will participate - from France, and from South Korea, and from other countries. We found a lot of options where we can get equipment from and how to turn it into a truly international project,” Kirill Komarov said.

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