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Tajikistan|politics|April 3, 2024 / 02:45 PM
Foreign Ministry of Tajikistan condemns Israel's airstrike on Iranian consular mission in Syria

AKIPRESS.COM - The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Tajikistan strongly condemned the airstrike on the consular mission of Iran in Damascus, Syria, which led to the deaths and injuries of several people.

"We consider such actions, which are a violation of international law, in particular the Vienna Conventions, to be absolutely inadmissible and unacceptable," the Ministry said in a statement.

The Israeli Air Force attacked the Mezze neighborhood in western Damascus on the evening of April 1.

Two generals of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), Mohammad Reza Zahedi and Mohammad Hadi Haji-Rahimi, were killed in an attack, Tasnim news agency reported.

The Syrian agency SANA reported that the building was completely destroyed, and everyone inside was killed. Syria and Iran blamed the attack on Israel.

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