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Kazakhstan|art & entertainment|May 29, 2024 / 12:09 PM
Kazakh Tazy dog exhibition takes place in Astana

AKIPRESS.COM - A dog exhibition organized by the Union of Cynologists of Kazakhstan took place in Astana. A special international commission examined about 100 Kazakh Tazy dogs during the event.

Executive director of the International Cynological Federation Yves de Clercq, members of the commission came to study the Kazakh Tazy breed.

"Kazakh Tazy belong to greyhounds, it is a dog that must hunt, accordingly it must run fast, be enduring, have good eyesight so that it can see far away. All these characteristics require a certain structure of limbs, muscles, bones – all this we determine during the show," Yves de Clercq noted.

The commission is also studying the Kazakh Tazy breed standard, developed in Kazakhstan, and the dog population in the country.

"The representatives of the International Federation of Cynologists confirmed on their own that the country of origin has the stock, saw the attitude of the state and society and in general the culture of dog breeding at the proper level. The commission will draw up its conclusion, which will form the basis for the decision of the General Committee of the International Cynological Federation to recognize "Kazakh Tazy" as the national breed and brand of Kazakhstan," President of the Union of Cynologists of Kazakhstan Bauyrzhan Serikkali stated.

According to the Union of Cynologists of Kazakhstan, about 3,000-3,500 Tazy dogs are registered in the country.

During the exhibition, the best representative of the breed was determined. It was Tazy dog Perizat from Belovodye.

One of the youngest participants in the exhibition was a 3-month-old Tazy dog named Shagala, who was brought from Semey.

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