AKIPRESS.COM - Issyk-Kul residents caught on camera a motorcade, presumably accompanying Telegram founder and billionaire Pavel Durov.
Durov was previously spotted in Issyk-Kul together with a popular Russian blogger, Gusein Gasanov.
Durov said earlier he plans to visit the Central Asian countries. "I keep working, meeting with our users from unusual places. This summer I decided to visit Central Asia to see life there and study how people use Telegram and what are their digital needs," Pavel Durov said earlier.
Social media users suggested Durov's visit to Kyrgyzstan is linked with creation of Kyrgyz Courchevel Project in the mountains of Issyk-Kul region, ski resort cluster with participation of French company Société des Trois Vallées (S3V).
According to the ranking of Russian Forbes, Durov is ranked 8th wealthiest Russian with $15.5 billion.