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Mongolia|art & entertainment|July 11, 2024 / 02:54 PM
National Naadam Festival starts in Mongolia
Photo: Montsame

AKIPRESS.COM - The opening ceremony of the National Naadam Festival took place at the Central Stadium of Mongolia on July 11, Montsame reports.

President of Mongolia Khurelsukh Ukhnaa made opening remarks at the festival. 

"To preserve and promote the great history, culture, heritage, and customs of our ancestors and pass them on to our descendants, President of Mongolia has issued Decrees on Revering the Portrait of the Great Chinggis Khaan, on Rebuilding the Ancient City of Kharkhorin, the sacred hearth of ancient kingdoms, and on Honoring and Promoting the Morin Khuur, the national pride of the Mongols," he said.

The opening ceremony is held under the theme "Mother Earth - Principles of Harmonious Existence". It features opening and closing performances dedicated to the Mongolian history. The first chapter of the ceremony portrays the origin of the world accompanied by the traditional Mongolian music.




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