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Uzbekistan|economy|July 24, 2024 / 11:34 AM
Uzbekistan sends almost 4 billion cubic meters of water to Kazakhstan

AKIPRESS.COM - Uzbekistan has sent 3.9 billion cubic meters of water to Kazakhstan via the Syrdarya River since April 1, the Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation of Kazakhstan reports.

Minister of Water Resources and Irrigation of Kazakhstan Nurzhan Nurzhigitov earlier agreed with Uzbekistan that 3.7 billion cubic meters of water would be sent to Kazakhstan via the Syrdarya River over six months. However, Uzbekistan sent the specified amount of water in four months.

It is expected that Uzbekistan will send another 1 billion cubic meters of water to Kazakhstan by the end of the irrigation period, which will help meet the needs of farmers in the southern regions of Kazakhstan.

The current volume of the Shardara Reservoir (a reservoir located on the Syrdarya River) is 2.6 billion cubic meters, which is 689 million cubic meters more than a year ago. In total, 3.9 billion cubic meters of water have flowed into the Shardara Reservoir.

3.6 billion cubic meters of water have been directed from the Shardara Reservoir to the lower reaches of the Syrdarya River. This is 950 million cubic meters more than a year ago. More than 700 million cubic meters of water have been directed to the Kyzylkum Canal, and over 400 million cubic meters to the North Aral Sea.

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