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Uzbekistan|travel|August 26, 2024 / 02:26 PM
Uzbekistan showcases its products at Asia Islamic Tourism and Trade Expo in Malaysia

AKIPRESS.COM - The national pavilion of Uzbekistan was officially opened at the Asia Islamic Tourism and Trade Expo, held in Selangor, Malaysia.

The pavilion was organized with the support of the Embassy of Uzbekistan, the administration of Surkhandarya region, national travel agencies, and Uzbekistan Airways, UzA reported.

The exhibition, organized by the Malaysian Association of Tour and Travel Agents and the state administration of the state of Selangor, brought together more than 150 travel agencies and manufacturers of halal products from more than 20 countries.

The event included presentations on Uzbekistan’s tourism potential, with an emphasis on large-scale reforms and measures to develop pilgrimage tourism. Visitors learned about the significant efforts to create favorable conditions for pilgrims.

Particular attention was paid to tourism opportunities of Surkhandarya, Bukhara, Samarkand, and Khorezm regions, as well as Tashkent. Visitors were informed about the rich cultural heritage, unique architecture, and national traditions of these regions.

As part of the exhibition, new tourist sites in Surkhandarya region were presented, including the shrines of Imam Termizi in Sherabad district, Sufi Olloyor in Oltinsoy district, as well as memorial sites of Muhammad Mavlano Zahid and Alovuddin Attar. In addition, information was provided on the activities of the Imam Termizi International Research Center.

At the B2B meetings, tour operators of the two countries discussed ideas to increase the flow of Malaysian tourists to Uzbekistan. Information was also provided on Uzbekistan Airways’ direct flights between Tashkent and Kuala Lumpur.

Uzbekistan showcased its national crafts, dried fruits, and food products produced in the country.

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