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Uzbekistan|technology|September 9, 2024 / 04:57 PM
Uzbekistan to step up cooperation with Hungary on isotope technology exports

AKIPRESS.COM - Uzbekistan's Ambassador, Oybek Shakhavdinov, held a meeting with the Managing Director of Hungary's Isotope Institute Co., Ltd., Mihály Lakatos, Kun.uz reported.

The Institute of Isotope, founded in 1959, specializes in the production and sale of long-term radioactive isotope technologies. Over the years, the institute has produced radioactive sources for various products, including diagnostic tools, based on custom orders. The products meet international quality standards such as GMP, ISO9001, ISO13485, and ISO14001.

During the negotiations, Mihály Lakatos announced that cooperation with Uzbekistan in the production of radioactive isotope technologies has already been established. Specifically, there are existing collaborations with the "Radiopreparat" State Enterprise under the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan for the trade of radioactive isotope products.

Ambassador Oybek Shakhavdinov highlighted that Uzbekistan has created favorable conditions for the development of the production and export of radioactive isotope products. He expressed interest in closely supporting the advancement of cooperation between Uzbekistan’s scientific organizations and the Izotop Institute to a new level. Furthermore, he confirmed Uzbekistan’s readiness to collaborate with relevant authorities in EU countries to obtain GMP certification.

After the meeting, both parties agreed to continue discussions aimed at developing long-term partnerships with the Isotope Institute for the export of radioactive isotope products produced in Uzbekistan, which meet international standards and possess all necessary certifications.

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