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World|politics|September 19, 2024 / 04:09 PM
Central Asian states support General Assembly's resolution demanding end to Israel's occupation of Palestine

AKIPRESS.COM - The General Assembly passed a resolution demanding an end to Israel’s occupation of Palestine within the next twelve months by an overwhelming margin on Wednesday.

124 countries voted in favor of the resolution, including Russia, Qatar, China and France. 14 states voted against the resolution, including the United States, Israel, Hungary and Czechia. 43 countries abstained.

Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan were among 124 countries, which supported the resolution.

Israel rejected the resolution. Israel's Permanent Representative to the UN, Danny Danon, called the vote "a disgraceful decision that supports the diplomatic terrorism of the Palestinian Authority."

UNGA resolutions, unlike Security Council documents, are not legally binding.

In July, the International Court of Justice called Israel's presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory illegal. Tel Aviv violates the Palestinians' right to self-determination. Continuing this policy entails international responsibility, the judges emphasized.

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