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World|life|October 25, 2024 / 06:35 PM
Seoul city to spend $326 million on fighting 'loneliness'

AKIPRESS.COM - The Seoul Metropolitan Government on Monday released a comprehensive plan to support a growing number of Seoul residents struggling with loneliness and social isolation, The Korea Herald reported.

The initiative, called “Loneliness-Free Seoul,” aims to intervene early to tackle loneliness at its root and prevent people from dying alone, known as “lonely deaths,” which have been rapidly increasing in the city. Over the next five years, the city plans to invest a total of 451.3 billion won ($326 million) to ensure no resident feels alone, according to the city.

At the core of this initiative is the “Smart 24 Platform,” which has online and offline ways lonely residents -- including foreign national residents -- can seek assistance and counseling.

A highlight of this platform is the “Goodbye Loneliness 120” helpline, a dedicated 24-hour hotline for those struggling with being lonely. Additionally, there will be follow-up support, such as counseling, on-site visits and emergency interventions, Seoul city officials said.

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