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World|politics|December 3, 2024 / 09:31 AM
Ukraine to invite Russia to second 'peace summit' - Zelensky

AKIPRESS.COM - Ukraine will invite Russia to the second "peace summit". This was stated by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in an interview with Kyodo News.

"As all [Western] leaders wanted Russia to be at the second summit, we will invite them <...> But I told them that Russia will do everything <...> not to attend it, since it is not interested in it," he said. Kyiv previously announced its intention to hold a "peace summit" in the near future.

Zelensky also announced his refusal to return Crimea by force.

"We currently do not have the strength to return Crimea. We will look for diplomatic ways," the president said.

The first peace summit with the participation of countries of the global South was held in Burgenstock, Switzerland in June; Russia was not invited to it. Several points from the Ukrainian "peace formula" were discussed at the meeting: nuclear safety, prisoner exchange according to "all for all" formula, and safe shipping. The key points of Zelensky’s “formula”, including the withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukrainian territory, were not considered at the summit.

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