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Mongolia|health|December 21, 2024 / 01:46 PM
Second National Oncology Center to be built in Ulaanbaatar

AKIPRESS.COM - President of Mongolia Khurelsukh Ukhnaa issued a resolution on creating a Working Group in charge of supporting the construction of the second National Oncology Center of Mongolia on December 17, Montsame reported. 

The Working Group consists of Minister of Finance Javkhlan Bold, Minister of Health Munkhsaikhan Togtmol, Members of Parliament Chinburen Jigjidsuren, Altanshagai Narantsetseg, and Munkhbayasgalan Luvsanbyambaa, Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary Byambasuren Urgamal, State-Secretary of the Ministry of Economy and Development Batkhuu Idesh, Secretary of the Nuclear Energy Commission and Head of the Executive Office Manlaijav Gun-Aajav, Rector of the Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences Damdindorj Boldbaatar, and Director-General of the National Oncology Center Erdenekhuu Nansalmaa. Senior Advisor to the President Khurelbaatar Nyamdavaa was appointed as the Head of the Working Group. 
Members of the Working Group held a briefing and provided details on the initiative. The Working Group is responsible for providing professional and methodological support for the construction of the Second National Oncology Center, which will serve as a comprehensive facility for cancer prevention, diagnosis, treatment, research, and training. 
The Working Group will also work towards addressing the causes and conditions that lead to cancer, strengthening interdisciplinary responsibility and accountability, and ensuring the delivery of high-quality, accessible services.
The second National Oncology Center will be located on 12 hectares of land in the 34th subdistrict of Songinokhairkhan district of Ulaanbaatar. 
The facility, covering 95,000 square meters, is projected to be completed within 4-5 years. The necessary funding for its infrastructure, which is equivalent to 38 trillion tugriks, has been included in the 2025 State Budget of Mongolia.
Cancer-related incidence, mortality, and quality of medical services have become pressing issues in Mongolia. The mortality rate from cancer in Mongolia is 24%, which is considerably higher than the global average of 17%. Additionally, about 70% of cancer patients are diagnosed at later stages of the disease.

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