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Turkmenistan|politics|January 13, 2025 / 01:42 PM
Turkmenistan approves National Action Plan for Combatting Human Trafficking for 2025-2029

AKIPRESS.COM - President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov issued a resolution approving the National Action Plan to Combat Human Trafficking for 2025–2029, the Foreign Ministry of Turkmenistan reported.

The National Action Plan of Turkmenistan to Combat Human Trafficking for 2025–2029 was prepared by the Interdepartmental Commission of Turkmenistan on Combating Human Trafficking jointly with the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). The plan is preventive in itself, contains comprehensive guidelines and prescribes close cooperation with international structures.

The National Action Plan of Turkmenistan to Combat Human Trafficking for 2025–2029 consists of five sections, which outline target measures, deadlines for their implementation, relevant indicators, and government agencies responsible for implementing the designated tasks.

Turkmenistan intends to continue coordinated cooperation with the international community in combating and preventing human trafficking.

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