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Uzbekistan|foreign policy|January 30, 2025 / 01:11 PM
Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan discuss interparliamentary cooperation

AKIPRESS.COM - The Commission for Cooperation between the Senate of the Parliament of Uzbekistan and the Senate of the Parliament of Kazakhstan held the 4th meeting in Shymkent, UzA reported.

It was attended by a delegation led by First Deputy Chairman of the Senate of Uzbekistan Sodiq Safoyev.

The parties noted that cooperation between Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan has been developing in all areas in recent years due to the open policy based on trust.

The wide-ranging issues of bilateral multi-vector partnership, including in the political, trade-economic, and cultural-humanitarian spheres, and a proposal to increase the effectiveness of the interparliamentary commission of the two countries were considered at the meeting. It was decided to hold its 5th meeting and sign a new roadmap within its framework.

It was noted that the 5th meeting of the Interparliamentary Commission will be held in the second half of this year in Uzbekistan.

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