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Mongolia|health|February 5, 2025 / 10:08 AM
Cancer accounts for 1 in 5 deaths in Mongolia

AKIPRESS.COM - Cancer remains one of the leading causes of mortality in Mongolia, accounting for one in every five deaths, Xinhua reported, citing the National Cancer Center of Mongolia.

"A total of 4,755 people died from cancer in Mongolia in 2024, accounting for one in five deaths in the country," the center said in a statement on the occasion of the World Cancer Day on February 4.

8,169 new cases of cancer were recorded in the country in 2024, marking an increase of nearly 13% compared to last year. The center attributed this rise in part to improved early detection efforts.

While 80% of cancer patients in Mongolia were previously diagnosed at a late stage, the situation has improved, with the figure dropping to 65%, the center noted.

The most common types of cancer among Mongolians include liver, stomach, lung, cervical, and colorectal cancer, reflecting long-standing public health challenges.

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